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                    <%= link_to "编辑", design_update_user_design_path(current_user, design), class: "works_img_edit" %>


                    <%= link_to "删除", user_design_path(current_user, design), :method => :delete, class: "works_img_del" %>



    [Rails] Crafting Rails Applications (英文版)

    [Pragmatic Bookshelf] Crafting Rails Applications Expert Practices for Everyday Rails Development (E-Book) ☆ 图书概要:☆ Rails 3 is a huge step forward. You can now easily extend the framework, ...


    With this fully revised new edition, take a holistic view of full-stack development to create usable, high-performing applications with Rails 5. Rails is a great tool for building web applications, ...

    Ruby on Rails Tutorial

    《Ruby on Rails Tutorial》中文版(原书第2版,涵盖 Rails 4) Ruby 是一门很美的计算机语言,其设计原则就是“让编程人员快乐”。David Heinemeier Hansson 就是看重了这一点,才在开发 Rails 框架时选择了 Ruby...



    提升Ruby on Rails性能的几个解决方案

    Ruby On Rails 框架自它提出之日起就受到广泛关注,在“不要重复自己”,“约定优于配置”等思想的指导下,Rails 带给 Web 开发者的是极高的开发效率。 ActiveRecord 的灵活让你再也不用配置繁琐的 Hibernate 即可...

    Bootstrap for Rails (2015)

    Bootstrap 3 和 Rails 4(样例用的是Ruby 2.1.1,Rails 4.1.4) Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Introducing Web Application Development in Rails 7 Why Bootstrap with Rails? 8 Setting up a Todo ...

    Ruby on Rails Guides v2 - Ruby on Rails 4.2.5

    Ruby on Rails Guides v2 - Ruby on Rails 4.2.5

    Agile Web Development with Rails 4

    Ruby on Rails helps you produce high-quality, beautiful-looking web applications quickly. You concentrate on creating the application, and Rails takes care of the details., Tens of thousands of ...

    Learning Rails 5(高清文字pdf版)

    If you’re a web developer or designer ready to learn Ruby on Rails, this hands-on guide is the ideal way to get started. Rather than toss you into the middle of the framework’s Model-View-Controller...




    一个用Ruby on Rails搭建的图片分享的网站项目.完整源代码

    Ruby on rails tutorial中文版(第二版)

    我读过很多 Rails 相关的书,但是这本真正让我入门了。书里的一切都很符合“Rails 之道”,我以前觉得这个道很不自然,但是读完这本书,感觉却是自然无比。本书也是唯一一本自始至终都是用测试驱动开发理念的 Rails ...

    Rails Recipes英文版(清晰文字pdf+源码)

    Ruby三神书之一(其余的两本是Agile.Web.Development.with.Rails和Ruby For Rails,在我的资源列表也有) Rails is large, powerful, and new. How do you use it effectively? How do you harness the power? And, ...

    [Michael Hartl] Ruby on Rails Tutorial

    Learn Web Development with Rails Clear EPUB version in English, Second Edition “The author is clearly an expert at the Ruby language and the Rails framework, but more than that, he is a working ...


    《深入浅出Rails(影印版)》内容简介:通过此书,你将学习:希望你的网络应用超越平庸进入Web 2.0时代?《深入浅出Rails》将使你的编程和生产力达到最大值。你将学习一切Rails scaffolding的基本原理,以创建自定义的...


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    rails 5 test prescriptions build a healthy codebase

    Your Ruby on Rails application is sick. Deadlines are looming, but every time you make the slightest change to the code, something else breaks. Nobody remembers what that tricky piece of code was ...

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